COVID 19 Dispatch from Seoul South Korea
A special photography dispatch from the Covid 19 coronavirus situation in Seoul South Korea

A new cluster of cases started in the busiest entertainment district of the South Korean capital. Find out what Itaewon looks like after being shut down.
This post is dedicated to those people in the serving industry who continue to work and interact with a large number of people every day in Seoul South Korea.
Beyond the general usage of the masks, one of the big reasons why South Korea managed to get ahead of the Coronavirus is because of its intensive testing from the get-go.
The parliamentary elections took place yesterday in South Korea. The government took multiple mesures to allow electors to cast their votes in the safest way.
White-collars are getting back to work in their office all over South Korea. With social distancing, masks and constant checks, the working force is learning to live in a new reality.
The cherry blossom season and rising temperatures in Seoul have pushed a lot of people outside of their homes. How Korea is dealing with spring crowds under the COVID 19.
A live dispatch for the Covid 19 situation in Seoul South Korea with weekly photos and text by Tim Franco.